Sunday 8 July 2012

Another shit day....

Evening people, I wish I could say good evening but I just can't, it is just not possible.... Just like in the title it has been another shit day... I'm on some personal monthly crap for past couple days so it is really effecting me, ladies you know what I mean.. Anyway I am currently at the boyfriend's place for the night which led me arguing with my mom about me going home because of how I am feeling. To be quite frank the last place I want to be at home where I'm going to be at yelled at even more for even thinking of staying here for the night. Fuck I am 18 years old, here in Canada that is considered an adult and that I can make my own decision well apparently from my mother's mind that means fuck all. Considering that I live under her roof of a fucked up house that I must obey by her rules... My parents have this crazy idea that if they keep putting more rules on me that I'm going to actually take them into consideration.. HA fuck that noise! When I told my mother that I'm 18 and I'm able to make my own decisions she laughed at me. HA what a great mother, huh? Well according to everyone that I know, they are telling me that I really need to move out and start living the life that I want, and I am planning too! As soon as I can keep a stable job going and people start buying my photos off of my site (once I get it set up I will post the link in the next posting I do.) The photos will be connected to a pay pal that will be connected to my bank account that the money can just flow into that. I need the money to one: Move out and live my own fucking life. I have taken the work place math courses in school. I know how to budget, I know how to do my taxes on paper and on the internet with turbo tax... Most likely I will be doing most of my taxs by paper which is hell but whatever shit has to be done right? Anyway and number two: So I can pay for my education at Algonquin, but hell the photography course there is a hella lot of money and it is EXTREMELY compitetive. Anyone who is actually reading this and has taken the course please comment to one let me know that someone out there is actually listening to me complaining... And to let me know that the course is extremely compitetive and that I am not just making it up, thanks that would actually mean a lot to me.

In other news... I am currently alone in the boyfriend's house as him and his mum are out walking the four large dogs... I think it might be raining out? I don't know. I am currently sitting in the dark typing up this post. Trying not to move that much because if I do then I am going to 'cause really bad stomach cramps, ladies again you know how I feel.

If this blog seems like I just bitch and complain a lot in life, its not meant to be I'm just saying whats on my mind isn't that the whole point of a blog? To say what is on your mind where as in facebook you can't really do that without posting a note even then it's going to be awkward where people who aren't truly close to you can see how much you actually complain then again.. I'm doing the same thing right now, just fuck everything that I just said. Lol, In reality I am actually a really positive person, I really like smiling and laughing and making other people laugh and smile too. It's just the past few posts have been shitty and kind of depressing and I greatly apologize for that, including my veil language. Beyond the vitural world I literally swear this much I have the mouth of a trucker... I know that is not the best thing to have but it's how I express myself. Granted I could probably find better words to use but swears are the first thing that come to the mind the fastest... Sorry. Anyway, to any surprise of somebody, typing out what is on my mind has actually gotten me to calm down a little... I am still pissed but I am more likely to start crying at any moment. But I'll eventually get to that, my tummy is still kind of off I feel like I'm going to blow chunks, I know that isn't the most pleasant way of saying it but it is the nicest way for me to say it.

Anyway I think that is all I can spew out of words for now ladies and gentlemen :) Thank you for listening or reading considering it is blog and you can't actually hear me saying all of this and you have no idea what my tone of voice even sounds like, I guess it would be just "thank you for reading ladies and gentlemen.|

I hope you aren't terribly brought down by this post.

Have a nice evening or day where ever you may be placed on this planet we call "home"

Love Rose :)

P.S please comment below if you can give me any advice of what to do about my living situation with my rents and I will thank everyone that has given me the advice and take it into considerationg. Thanks a lot, goodnight.

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