Monday 16 July 2012

No photos today...

Evening ladies and gentlemen, yes you did read correctly on the title there will be no photos today considering that I did not do any photo taking today... But I have a valid reason, well I suppose it could actually be consider an invalid reasoning but anyway the reasoning is because it was too hot and my camera was on the fritz.. so it decided that it just wasn't going to work today which for some odd reason I am okay with..

On the other hand flicking through some of my photos early today I have come to the conclusion that over the past several years of doing photography alone, that my style of it has certainly changed but in other means I used to just take random photos only because I was bored and quite possibly I was just too young to actually understand the meaning have "Artistic Rights" and then my dad taught me how to actually use a camera. I have been doing photography since I was about I guess I could say nine or ten years old. That was when I got my first digital camera of course from my dad the photographer in the family had exposed to me to the world of being an "artist."

My house hold family is kind of weird that way, everyone is considerably a type of an artistic person. My brother and I can draw like nobody's business. We both do cartoon style. Him and my mom are both writers and my dad and I do the photography... See we're all artistic in some form in my house. Although I don't really know what artistic value that my mom and dad share... I suppose considering that dad did a calendar for the camp "Gracefield Christian and Conference Center" just located just off the little town of Gracefield in Quebec. A couple of my photos were used in the calendar for possibly for july or august or even march? I don't remember... Oh well.

Anyway I think I've done enough talking and you people probably have other blogs to read lol.

I hope you have a great day/evening where ever your location is.

Love Rose

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