Saturday 21 July 2012

Rambling and random stuff

I greatly apologizes for not posting in a couple of days! So if your life has come to sudden stop but finally you can get back to your reading! Yay, but seriously have any of you ladies and gents lives actually stopped because I haven't posted in a while then it can only mean one thing! You don't have a life! Of i mean all of this in a joking matter. I love my viewers all the same.

Continuing on... So I suppose that all of you have heard about the shooting in Colorado at the midnight movie premier of "The Dark Knight Rises." Someone actually thought that the whole thing was all an act for the premier, up until the point when the shooter was hurting people. I mean I can understand why the bystander thought it was all an act but I mean seriously what are the chances for another huge shooting to go down ESPECIALLY in Colorado, that what's like the second major shooting first one was in a school now a movie empire, I mean that's just wrong, not only is all of twisted but the apartment the shooter is full of booby-traps and other dangerous things. I mean seriously does this man honestly think that he is the ultimate super villain? I think he's been playing too many batman based video games thus believing he is actually living in that reality. Some people are just fucking crazy! Anyway my boyfriend's family is bullying me about being on my "phone" I'm updating my blog on my iPod. Lol foolish people. Now everything is just absolutely randomness, they're freaking out about a very large catfish I think mum said it was 4 meters long and about half ton in weight. I'm not too surprised I've heard about larger fish. And I'm not talking about sharks. If anyone remembers the tv show on discovery channel called Monster fish or something like that :) my brother Alex and I would watch that show every-time it was on. It was like our bonding show, yeah I know my bro and I are weird.

I think I'm doing rambling about nothing and just random events occurring around me but my iPod is coming down to it's life of battery power.

I love you all very much and I hope you all of have a wonderful night or day wherever you are located :)

Love Rose :) <3

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