Wednesday 11 July 2012

Suprising news, plus photos :D

Well this is a surprise to me certainly in a way. I just looked at my audience who is actually reading this blog.. Wow I can say proudly that there are people who actually care for what I have to say in life, or just mainly in my life which I find to be quite unusual then again making a blog about shit all is considerably unusual for someone of my persona. Anyway I think today is a good day to update my resume so I can actually get a job and start working on moving out of this shelter i call "home" And I also think I might post a couple of photos in this post, only to get some thoughts on whether I should post them to the site in the near future or not. And will anyone who is reading actually buy my photos? It would mean the world to me as a photographer who is trying to get her business up and running :)

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