Saturday 30 June 2012

Good day gone bad..

Hello, I know haven't posted anything in the past week or two....Only because my life has been sadly way to complicated to share it in the time when it happened.. I now have the time to share it? I suppose... In the past week I have been free from High School, so that means I have my diploma, woo!... I passed all my classes, especially my photography class but not with the mark that I or my father who is probably not going to be too happy with a 58 or 59% which in other terms is pretty much a D or a C.. Yeah I know some photographer I am can't even pass a class probably without being a total failure..... Am I being too hard on myself? Yeah I am but what's the point in life if you don't beat yourself up once in a while, and if you are unlucky in life you probably have someone to beat you up for YOU. but I don't want to get into that right now, maybe.. perhaps in another post... I highly doubt it but we shall see.

If there is anyone who is actually reading this, could someone please acknowledge the factor of how I am feeling? Or at least tell me that they have gone or is going through the same crap as me? I am depressed and over stressed about the silly things in life. Earlier this evening I was watching a show called "Flashpoint" and if anyone knows the Valentine's Day episode, perhaps you know how I feel. I have come to realize that life is too short to not look around you and pray that someone or something doesn't strike down upon you in the middle of the night and doesn't kill you in your sleep. If I have just given people nightmares I am deeply sorry. And this  With recent events in my life; I have come to this conclusion that I am one hell of a lucky person that this has yet not happened to me, but unlike some people this could possibly already happened too... I recently sent a text to my boyfriend which was quite difficult to do when there were so many tears in the way of my vision, thankfully I can text without looking at my phone's keyboard. Anyway, as I was saying, life is way too short to be just blissfully cruising through it without thanking the most important people in your life, if you don't do that at least 6-9months just to make sure that they are aware of how you feel and that you love them with all your heart, mind and soul. I know it's completely corny but it is the thought that counts right?

I don't know if I have lost one of my close and dear friends or not because of a stupid fight about owing them money or not... Plus it doesn't help that one of them is moving back to the states and his girlfriend is making it seem like my boyfriend and I don't care that he's moving! We care, we honestly care but we have other things in our lives that we have to take care of before anything else. Tomorrow is their and our 3 months... Call it silly but being able to deal with someone for 3months is a big deal these days in society.

I lost my train of thought completely.... Well my day was good that went bad..

Have a nice evening or morning where ever you are placed on this planet we call "Home"

Love Rose <3

Monday 18 June 2012

Last day but another new story

So today is consideribly one of the last days of school and I really personally don't know what to do over the summer. I have thought about posting and selling my photos on but, I dont know if anyone would actually buy them. I know for one thing that my photography teacher is obessed with one photo and I think it's kind of weird.... I don't actually have any real thoughts about anything. I'm just sort of typing out what comes to mind. And like always, I seem to get lost of my own predictible thoughts. So if things don't seem to make any sense, well I apologize for my obsecure mind and thought process... (well not really.)

I recently decided to post my blog's name onto facebook to try and get friends to read it...I don't really know how that turned out but all I know is that to make people read what I have to say I have to put more gore and other veil things into my blogs to make them more interesting to the audience. I personally don't really care what people have to think about or how to make my posts more interesting, I'm doing this so I can clear out my brain before I do anything else with my life.

I am currently in my media studies class and the person in front of me is playing Space Invaders, he's not too bad, he has appeared to change his game to Tetris... Wow could we play older games? Actually we can only because we are currently learning about the history of video games. I personally give a rat's ass about the history of video games. I just like playing them because they're entertaining, not the history.... I mean how is the history going to help me accomplish the game? Sure, knowing the plot line and it's intension of it, is sort of interesting but I mean come on... Can we pick something a little bit more interesting.

The dude in front of me like I mentioned before.... has become greatly enraged with his game for he has lost the game.... (Sorry I had too, I'm not actually sorry.)

I was thinking of doing some photography after school but I am unsure because of the cruel heat wave passing over Ottawa. Maybe I'll crack an egg on the new asphalt by my house and watch it sizzle and of course take a photo of it and post it on possibly facebook or whenever else I can post it...

Well I'm off because my class is almost over.....

I hope you have a delightful day or night, where ever you might be located on this planet we call home.

Love Rose :)

Sunday 17 June 2012

A Fresh Start

Hi, I'm Rose. I am a new photographer in this competition of photo taking. I have decided to take up the hobby of typing out my thoughts because, to be quite honest.... I need somewhere else to place my thoughts than just in my head... I am slowly running out of room. I don't know if I need a bigger head or just less thoughts. I suppose this would be considered my first entry to the world of blogging, I never really thought I would be able to do this type of thing.
I can't really image why people would actually care what my thoughts are or why I'm even posting them in the first place but, I suppose the way the world these days, people just have too much free time on their hands and get easily bored. I mean isn't that the whole point of a blog? But who knows this thing I have started maybe actually help me with my career. I am a photographer who is just trying to find her placement in the world and is in hopes that someone from a HUGE company somewhere out in Toronto, Ontario... Oh did I forget to mention that I'm from Ottawa Ontario? I think I did. Well I am.

I think that's all I can think of so far. I can I add more later or do I have create another entry?

Well I'm off, I hope you all have a delightful day or night where ever you are located in this wonderful place we call earth :)

Love Rose Collins